Larry Weishuhn, known throughout the outdoor world as “Mr. Whitetail” was recently inducted into the Muy Grande Hall of Fame in Freer, Texas. Weishuhn, a native Texan, has for years been been one of the world’s most recognized wildlife biologists, outdoor writers, and outdoor television show personalities.
Being instilled with a love of the outdoors by his mother and father very early in life lead Larry to Texas A&M University, where as a senior majoring in Wildlife Science he started working with Texas’ Wildlife Disease Project, assisting in nutrition and disease research with emphasis on whitetail deer, but other species as well ranging from alligators to desert bighorn sheep. After graduation Larry was involved in early whitetail nutrition which lead to the “Spike Buck” study on the Kerr Wildlife Management Area. It was during these early years as a wildlife biologist Weishuhn met Leonel Garza, founder of the Muy Grande Deer Contest. As a biologist for the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Larry served as South Texas’ Technical Assistance Biologist, replacing Murphy Ray, to help establish and maintain quality whitetail deer management programs throughout the Brush Country of South Texas.

During his years as a biologist Larry established quality wildlife management programs on well over 12,000,000 acres not only in Texas, but also in Mexico, Canada, Europe, South America and Africa. Since selling his first national magazine article in 1970, Larry has, while serving as a staff writer with and free-lancer to such publications as “Deer & Deer Hunting”, “North American Hunter” (where he was long the Whitetail columnist), “Petersen’s Hunting”, “Shooting Times”, “Progressive Farmer”, “Rural Sportsman”, “Sporting Classics”, “Sports Afield” and many others Larry published over 3,500 articles and columns. Today he serves on staff with “Texas Sporting Journal”, “Universal Hunter” and “Game Trails”. Larry has authored numerous books including: Pear Flat Philosophies, Hunting Mature Bucks, Southern Deer & Deer Hunting, Hunting Whitetails East & West, Attracting Deer, Trailing the Hunter’s Moon – An Adventure Journal, and his most recent Trailing the Hunters’ Moon – The Adventure Continues. He has contributed chapters to numerous others including those published by North American Hunting Club and Boone & Crockett Club.
Larry has been involved in outdoor television shows since the middle 1980’s. His current show, “DSC’s Trailing the Hunter’s Moon, appears year round on Sportsman Channel, Sunday evenings. Larry and his co-host Blake Barnett’s shows have been awarded numerous juried Telly Awards. They too, have been nominated for Emmy’s. Years ago Larry was involved with producing quality videos and DVDs including those he did with Jerry Smith and John Wootters, “Whitetails, Judging Trophies”, long a classic.
Weishuhn was one of the three co-founders of the Texas Wildlife Association; is a Professional Member of the Boone & Crockett Club; serves as an Ambassador for the Dallas Safari Club as well as being a spokesperson for the International Association of Natural Resources Crimestoppers (Operation Game Thief), and Trinity Oaks (which serves wounded warriors and their families as well as helps feed hungry throughout North America), as well as promoting Ruger firearms and Hornady ammunition.
Said Weishuhn upon his induction, “I am truly honored to be inducted into the Muy Grande Hall of Fame! I’ve been fortunate and blessed to have been inducted into other Halls of Fame, and to have received other awards. But, being inducted into the Muy Grande Hall of Fame is extremely special to me because it means being recognized for some of the things I’ve done here at home in South Texas!” He continued, ‘I have been blessed with a special family, starting with Mary Anne my wife of nearly fifty years. She’s one of the most understanding ladies in the world. My two daughters Theresa and Beth, and now my grandchildren Jake, Andrew and Kathryn Johnson, and, Joshua and Justin Gonzalez, too have been understanding when “Dad” or “Papo” was gone hunting, working, or writing.” He concluded, “Timing is so very important in life! I’ve been fortunate to be at the right place at the right time and to have dealt with some of the finest people on Earth!”