Tipping the Axis, Deer That Is!
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://www.biggame.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/untamed.png[/author_image] [author_info]Larry Weishuhn is a widely known writer, speaker, raconteur and world hunter. He co-hosts “DSC’s Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” on Pursuit Channel, CarbonTV and the show’s YouTube Channel.[/author_info] [/author]
All the 38-inch Axis buck needed to do was take a step or two forward, and he would be mine. His body was hidden behind a wall of three trees. Only his head and magnificent antlers were visible. I marveled at his long, sweeping, lyre-shaped main beams. His brow tines looked an unbelievable 14-inches long. His secondary, or caudal, tines appeared to be at least a foot long. Here was easily the biggest Axis buck I had ever seen.

I was hunting with a double action Ruger RedHawk .44 Mag. Cautiously and as quietly as possible I thumbed the revolver’s hammer to a cocked position and then brought it into shooting position. My Trijicon RMR sight settled on the buck’s eye, 25-yards away. Knowing how accurate my revolver was with Hornady’s 240-grain XTP, I was tempted to take that shot, but decided to wait.
All he had to do was take a step forward. I hoped for a chest shot, but as steady as I was, if he exposed a bit more of his neck I would shoot, then do a quick follow up shot if needed. I was so confident of what was unfolding that I had already decided where I would hang him in my office after Double Nickle Taxidermy had done their artful job. I even started picturing all the delicious meals we would enjoy from the delicious venison.
Wildlife System’s Greg Simons had told me this property held some of the best and biggest Axis deer in the world. He had also warned that they were the wariest and spookiest Axis he had ever experienced.

I waited. Suddenly, off to my extreme left an Axis doe “barked.” I watched as the magnificent rack turned toward the sound…and was gone!
Wish I could tell you I caught up with the buck again later, but unfortunately it was not to be.
Until next time.
Regardless of what is going on in the world, there are always small things, of beauty and splendor, for us to enjoy, admire and appreciate!
Watch “DSC’s Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” TV show on our YouTube Channel, or on CarbonTV.
If you haven’t heard any of the “DSC’s Untamed Heritage” podcasts, visit blubrry.com/untamedheritage/ to listen to one of our 30 podcast episodes.