By Allen Moore, DSC President
This article was featured in the September Edition of Camp Talk, our monthly newsletter for our members.
As our membership grows, maybe in a big leap over the next year or so, DSC wants to be ready to meet the challenges and opportunities head-on. The staff is expanding (see right for some new names, and be sure to look for the new faces at the next few events), the membership database is migrating to a new system, and we are engaging more and more in public outreach. It’s an exciting time for DSC, and I’m glad to be in a position to witness and guide the progress.
As part of our desire to fulfill our mission and vision, DSC has contracted with a prominent marketing and public relations firm to study the hunting industry and DSC’s role in it, both currently and going forward. We hope to gain some insight and craft our messages into a sharper image of the modern-day hunter. We want to show hunting and hunters in their best light.
The Board of Directors and officers of DSC understand that with this kind of growth comes growing pains, but because we rely on a small staff and a large group of volunteers, the DSC 100 (now over 500 people), the unique character of the club will continue – we will welcome each other, visitors and exhibitors with a warm “howdy,” a helping hand, and a “cold one.”
Come to the DSC 100 meeting in October at DSC headquarters and volunteer. Join us for a monthly meeting or any of the several activities, listed on the front and back of this issue of Camp Talk. In fact, the calendar is busy – there’s something going on every week until our Holiday Party in December, plus after-Christmas show preparations, and then of course, the Convention and Expo in January 5-8, 2017.
For just the facts—member news, hunting reports, the latest legislation that affects you—turn to Camp Talk. This monthly bulletin is distributed to all U.S. members and advertisers. For an online version of the latest edition, visit the online page here.