Happy New Year! Yes, I know it’s April already, but it’s the start of DSC’s calendar year. And maybe it’s just me, but as we start to emerge from this crazy Covid period, it is actually starting to feel like a new year to me.
I’m Amy Callender, DSC’s president for the next year. While I fully understand how hard the coronavirus has been on the entire industry, I am excited for what the future holds. I join many of you who have been disappointed to see hunts canceled or hopefully postponed. Our hunting adventures probably looked very different in 2020, but I choose to look on the positive side. This past year was a great opportunity to try new things.
Personally, I took up bow hunting, which is something I had never been drawn to. The past year provided me the opportunity to spend more time in a Texas whitetail blind than ever before. Did I miss the excitement and anticipation of planning new quests? Yes! Did I miss connecting with friends from around the world at our convention? Yes! But I’m thrilled to see a light at the end of the tunnel as more and more countries open and welcome hunters.
As I look at the year ahead, I know DSC is positioned for great things. With our amazing staff and dedicated volunteer board, we have the right people in place to advance our mission. I’m personally very excited that in an effort to better reflect our membership, we have international representation on our board for the first time. I’m grateful for the entire board’s willingness to serve and look forward to a productive year.
I’d be remiss if I left out my personal and DSC’s thanks to the Immediate Past President Mark Little. Mark was a steadfast leader in the face of a true crisis and a global pandemic, and he never wavered. At a time when many of the “fun” parts of the job were not an option, we are grateful for his firm commitment to DSC and its mission and his willingness to think outside the box in a major way. Thanks, Mark!
In closing, thank YOU for your membership to DSC. We couldn’t exist without you and your support. I look forward to representing you and advancing DSC’s mission of conservation, education, and advocacy.