This release was originally written by the International Wildlife Conservation Council.
FALLS CHURCH, VA, Sept. 26-27, 2018 – The International Wildlife Conservation Council will hold a public meeting at the US Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia which will include presentations on sustainable wildlife conservation by African government officials and experts.
Speakers invited to address the council include Honorable Carlos Dos Santos – Ambassador of Mozambique to the United States – Embassy of Mozambique, discussing the growing role of international eco-tourism in Mozambique, and conservation challenges associated with poaching and wildlife trafficking; Rose Mandisodza-Chikerema – Chief Ecologist with Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Authority who will discuss Zimbabwe’s process in conducting feasibility assessments for wildlife ranching in areas outside Protected Areas; Joseph Mbawia – Professor, Tourism Studies, Okavango Research Institute – University of Botswana – presenting how tourism can be used as a tool to achieve conservation outcomes and provide a rural livelihood; Rocky McBride – Big cat researcher and houndsman with a focus on South American and North American cat species; Goodness Mhlanga – Black Mambas Anti-poaching Unit Leader of a majority female anti-poaching unit that fulfills deterrence, intelligence gathering and education functions across the areas of Balule Nature Preserve and Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa; Imani Nkui. Wildlife Division – Tanzania Wildlife Authority; Honorable Minister Pohamba Penomwenyo Shifeta who will present Namibia’s model of sustainable use, examining the human dimensions of wildlife management; Maxi Pia Louise from Namibia speaking about community involvement in sustainable wildlife conservation. Several of the speakers have confirmed and with a few will confirm shortly; for more information, the final agenda will be posted on
The presentations by on-the-ground experts and stake holders are part of the research and input sought by the International Wildlife Conservation Council to provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior regarding the benefits that result from US citizens traveling to foreign nations to engage in hunting. Additionally, the I.W.C.C. will discuss administrative topics and welcome public-comment and response.
International Wildlife Conservation Council
The meeting will be held September 26, 2018 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern Time) and September 27, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Headquarters Building, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.
If you plan to attend this meeting, you must register by close of business on the date listed below:
Attend the meeting |
Sept. 21, 2018 |
Submit written information before the meeting for the council to consider during the meeting |
Sept. 21, 2018 |
Give an oral presentation during the public comment period |
Sept. 21, 2018 |
Attend the meeting and request reasonable accommodations |
Sept. 19, 2018 |
Please submit your name, time of arrival, email address, and phone number to Cade London, Policy Advisor, by email (preferred) at; by telephone at (703) 358-2584; by U.S. mail at USFWS—International Affairs, Building, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803; or via the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339
Space is limited and requests to attend will be accommodated in the order they are received.