DSC Members, Exhibitors and Corporate Sponsors:
DSC has been receiving calls from several of our members and exhibitors who are being contacted by scammers, via phone or email. They are asking for an updated credit card number to confirm rooms at the Omni and to offer other hotels at discounted rates.
We want to try to shut these scammers down and need your help. Please get their phone number and/or email and send to Terri Lewis, Operations Manager, terri@biggame.org
Do not give them any information. They are not affiliated with DSC, or our housing company, Connections Housing. These companies are predators and are only looking to get your credit details so that they can then commit fraud with your information.
As of today, we have not opened the hotel block for our convention, and you should not be receiving any calls asking for your credit card details or offering to book rooms from anybody outside of our office. Cass Olmstead in our office is in charge of booking rooms. If you have any questions on your hotel rooms please contact her at cass@biggame.org
DSC will be communicating with everyone via email to advise when our online hotel reservations will be open.
We appreciate your assistance in gathering this information and getting it to us.
Terri Lewis
Operations Manager