EP: 192 of DSC Campfires with Larry Weishuhn is Now Available!

Jim Zumbo, outdoor hunter/fisherman/ outdoor writer/forester/biologist/book author/tv show host/speaker was long hunting editor for Outdoor Life magazine and writer for many other outdoor publications. Jim has lost count of the feature articles he’s written and of the TV shows he hosted on the Outdoor Channel. A native of New York, Jim headed West shortly after college. These days is known as the consummate “westerner.”

His moustache, black hat and ready smile have long been his trademark. For many years Jim has been one of my personal heroes, mentors but more importantly a best friend. I recorded this interview recorded in Oklahoma, on the property previously owned by Miranda Lambert, entertainer extraordinaire. Jim, Rick Lambert (Miranda’s dad) and I were there fishing for bluegills, one of Jim’s favorite fish. During our conversation Jim and I covered a lot of ground occasionally serenaded by Roadie, Rick Lambert’s dog.

I know you’ll enjoy our visit!

CLICK HERE to listen.


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