A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-six

Learning from Mistakes
2021 Junior Duck Stamp Winners Announced

[box] Congratulations to 18-year-old Margaret McMullen for taking first place in the 2021 Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest. Her acrylic depiction of two hooded mergansers will grace the 2021-2022 Junior Duck Stamp that will go on sale in June. The following the release from USFWS about her win.[/box]
The Proposed Closures of Caribou Hunting on Some Federal Lands Isn’t Based on Population Declines—It’s About Human Conflicts

[box] This article was written by Tyler Freel and was originated published on Outdoorlife.com.[/box] Would you believe that one tele-meeting on April 23 stands between would-be caribou and moose hunters and their access to nearly 60 million acres of public federal land in Northwest Alaska? It’s an issue that hasn’t made waves until now, but […]
Resource Africa Urges Politicians to Not be Misled About Trophy Hunting
[box] The following is a report by the International Council For Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) on African Nations’ response to a German Political Party calling for a ban on trophy hunting ahead of their election later this year.[/box]
A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-five

Aoudad Dreaming II
Is Hunting Conservation?

As you have probably noticed, we heavily promote the idea that hunting is conservation. It seems, to me, to be a concept beyond question. Somewhat surprisingly, there are some within the ranks of hunters, and many from the ranks of anti-hunting ideologues, who dispute the assertion. Similarly, we believe that hunters are conservationists. Again, that […]
Department of Agriculture Declares April Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month

[author] [author_image timthumb=’off’]https://www.biggame.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/USDA_logo.png[/author_image] [author_info]On April 5, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture proclaimed April Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month. The following is a release from USDA for Outdoor Enthusiasts to do their part to stop the spread of invasive plants.[/author_info] [/author] The next time you enjoy the great outdoors, you can also help protect […]
A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-four

Smooth as Velvet
View from A Virtual Creek, Post Fifty-three
Remembering Scotland
Namibia: Age-Related Trophy System (ART)
In July 2017, Namibia Professional Hunting Association presented a new Trophy Measurement System to the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism. In 2020, Namibia Professional Hunting Association began the Age Related Trophy (ART) Measurement System, “creating incentives to hunt truly old animals past their prime and to discourage the hunting of immature animals altogether. It […]