New USFWS Director Confirmed

December 12, 2019 (WASHINGTON, D.C.) Contact: Corey Mason Executive Director   Today in the United States Senate – The U.S. Senate confirmed Ms. Aurelia Skipwith to serve as the next Director of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. She will oversee a thriving Service of roughly 8,500 employees and 568 national wildlife refuges to conserve […]

Headed to the House: Wildlife Funding Bill

The U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources held a vote on Dec. 5 for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, H.R.3742. With bipartisan support, it passed out of the committee [26:6]. A positive vote out of committee puts the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act one step closer to passage. It will now move to the House Floor. […]

Response to Lion Import Permit Debate

November 16, 2019 Dear Mrs. Linton, We recently saw a news article related to an Instagram post you made expressing your distaste for a lion import permit from Tanzania and hunting overall.1 We are encouraged to see you are very passionate about wildlife and habitat conservation; however, we believe we have two divergent views on […]

The ProTECT Act – Another Misguided Effort to Undermine Conservation Efforts Worldwide

[author] [author_info]The following is written by Matt Boguslawski. Matt is a licensed Professional Hunter in Tanzania, a former staff attorney with Conservation Force, and a managing partner of a respected law firm.[/author_info] [/author] The full text of H.R. 4804 “Prohibiting Threatened and Endangered Creature Trophies Act of 2019” (the ProTECT Act) has been recently released. […]

2020 Outstanding Hunting Achievement Award Winner Announced

The Outstanding Hunting Achievement Award (OHAA) committee has selected Dr. Mark Wayne as the 2020 award recipient. Dr. Wayne will be presented the prestigious award at the DSC Convention and Expo, Heritage, during the Saturday evening banquet on Jan. 11, 2020. The OHAA is given solely for outstanding achievements in the finite area of big game hunting. […]

Danielle Wilson of Named DSC's 2020 Outfitter of the Year

Please join DSC in congratulating Danielle Wilson, owner of, as the 2020 Outfitter of the Year. DSC is proud to announce the winner in advance of the DSC Convention, Heritage. The convention will run from Jan. 9-12 at the Omni Dallas Hotel and Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Downtown Dallas. This year, DSC will present […]

DSC 2020 Capstick Award Winners Announced

The Peter Hathaway Capstick Hunting Heritage Award Committee has selected Robin and Pauline Hurt as the 2020 award recipients. The Hurts will be presented with the prestigious award at the DSC Convention and Sporting Expo, Heritage, at the Saturday evening banquet on Jan. 11, 2020. The Capstick Award honors the memory of a great man whose love of hunting […]

Podcast Release: Evolution of Calls

Episode 12 of DSC’s Untamed Heritage Podcast is out now! Larry and Ken sit down with Gary Robertson, owner of Burnham Brothers Calls. The guys discuss the evolution of calls, and how they can be used to pull in predator or prey. You can listen or download here: 

AFWA Adopts Sustainable Use Resolution

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) recently adopted a resolution affirming their support of sustainable use, stating “regulated hunting, fishing and trapping are essential for the conservation of species including endangered and threatened species…” This is an extremely significant statement as AFWA is the body of all 50 state and fish agencies in […]

Green light for hunting as a management tool for wolf

  FACE PRESS RELEASE In its ruling today, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) confirmed that the use of hunting as a population management tool for strictly protected species is compatible with EU law. The case involved questions for a preliminary ruling by Finland’s Supreme Administrative Court to the EU’s highest court on the interpretation […]