A Lesson from Starving Cubs in Vermont
If black bears thrive in the mixed terrains of Vermont, why are starving cubs turning up under people’s porches? Although Vermont has one of the densest populations of black bears in the U.S., the animal’s solitary lifestyle and fear of humans keep sightings fairly rare. However, at the end of April, several cubs were spotted […]
DSC: Open Letter to EPA on Pebble Mine Settlement
DSC disagrees with the decision by EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to settle the lawsuit against Northern Dynasty Minerals – a Canadian company that proposed the controversial Pebble Mine project in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The settlement reverses previous efforts to prevent progress of the extrication of a massive undeveloped ore deposit in Bristol Bay and to […]
Fences Help with Wildlife, But Only Partly
Imagine the helplessness you would experience if an animal tears apart your house, injures family members and destroys your pantry. If it was the family dog who has destroyed the sofa, upping the training or finding a new home for the pet could solve the problem. But what if the agent of destruction is not […]
2017 Photography Competition Award Winners
Here are the winners of the 2017 DSC Photography Competition. Congratulations! Congratulations to all that entered. About the Judges: Tim Sharp, chairman of the committee, has been a commercial photographer in Dallas for more than 20 years specializing in corporate, industrial and editorial photography. His clients are many Fortune 500 companies including AT&T, ExxonMobil, American […]
In Pain? Ask the Fangblenny for Help
When is the last time you learned medical secrets from a little fish? Never, right? A fish in Australia may have the secret to the next breakthrough in pain-relieving medication. Scientists are investigating the unique way that the fangblenny, or a two-inch yellow and blue fish that lives in the Great Barrier Reef, uses venom. […]
Poaching Up, Game Reserve Budget Down
To combat poaching, South African game reserves need constant surveillance, increased patrol and safety units, quality training and… budget cuts? In the eastern South African province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), poachers killed almost 40 percent more rhinos in 2016 than in the previous year, and yet the state-run game reserves have been subjected to budget cuts. […]
The Truth about Consumption of Game
BY RICHARD CHEATHAM, DSC FOUNDATION PRESIDENT This article is featured in the May Edition of Camp Talk, our monthly newsletter for our members. On the online hunting forums, discussions about big game or trophy hunting often devolve into a battle between the “I only kill what I eat” crowd and the trophy hunting crowd. The only […]
As Final Option, Rhino Turns to Tinder
Six feet tall and 5,000 pounds? Sometimes even the most eligible bachelor needs the help of a dating app and social media. Sudan, the last living male northern white rhinoceros, now has a Tinder profile, but this move is about matching with donors, not with potential mates. When users “swipe right” on Sudan’s profile, the […]
Hunting for… Dinosaurs?
Some days you lose out on an elk, but you gain the discovery of a 70 million year old sea creature. While hunting, David Bradt stumbled upon a fossilized bone, which scientists have just confirmed as a new genus and species of prehistoric sea creature, Nakonanectes bradti. In November 2010, Bradt was having an uneventful […]
Florida Panther Making a Comeback
In February, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission confirmed a population increase for the Florida panther, or Puma concolor coryi. Only a couple dozen remained in the 1980s, but the population has been increasing steadily since 1995. Florida officials are confident that they are and will continue […]