Zinke Appoints Sheehan as Deputy Director of USFWS
https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary-ryan-zinke-appoints-utahs-greg-sheehan-deputy-director-us-fish-and-wildlife DSC congratulates Greg Sheehan as well as Secy. of Interior Ryan Zinke on Sheehan’s appointment as Deputy Director of the USFWS. Sheehan is a lifelong hunter, angler, and aspiring wildlife photographer. Sheehan will begin in mid-June and will serve as the Acting Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service until a Director is […]
Connecticut: Black Bear Hunt Now Referendum on All Hunting?
During a Senate debate in Connecticut, a bill that may potentially reinstate the black bear hunt has become “Cecil’s Bill,” proposing a ban on importing trophies from Africa. How did that happen? State Sen. Craig Miner (R – Litchfield County) opened the bill up for amendments since he realized the strong resistance to hunting could […]
Owe Child Support in Montana? No Hunting for You!
In Montana, by law, any parent who has not paid child support may be denied a hunting or fishing license. Initially introduced in February by State Senator Mike Lang, this bill received some criticism, but was signed into law on May 19. With over 30,000 open cases involving child support and 104,000 hunting residents, Montana’s […]
Capstick Award Nominations Now Open
The Peter Hathaway Capstick Hunting Heritage Award Committee has opened nominations for individuals or organizations who meet the criteria of this most prestigious award. Each year the Capstick Award honors and recognizes an individual or organization whose achievements reveal a sustained and significant contribution to the conservation of wildlife and habitat. Each winner will have […]
Satellite Imaging Could Be Future of Wildlife Research
Critics often claim that wildlife departments or pro-hunting sources purposefully over-estimate populations to set hunting quotas. The difficulty is that many researchers have to use species-specific and time-consuming techniques to track populations, based on anything from unique physical markers to predictable geographic dispersal. But what if scientists could determine the population of any animal by […]
Future of Conservation in Good Hands
A 2016 study revealed that youth see a benefit to prioritizing the conservation of species with declining numbers. According to a survey done by biologists and wildlife education specialists, North Carolina youth are quite capable of comprehending the difficult decision-making involved in wildlife conservation. The children surveyed set their priorities on the urgency of preserving […]
When is Enough Finally Enough?
BY RICHARD CHEATHAM, DSC FOUNDATION PRESIDENT This article is featured in the Spring 2017 issue of Game Trails, our quarterly publication for DSC members. I don’t want to hear about “fake news” like it is some recent phenomenon. Hunters know otherwise. I don’t want to turn on one of the 24-hour news channels and see any one-sided […]
DSC SOUTH TEXAS offering free hunter safety course for youth
San Antonio, TX – DSC South Texas announces that it will conduct the Basic Hunter Education Course to teach hunter safety and ethics to young hunters on June 17, 2017, at the San Antonio Gun Club in the Olmos Basin. As part of its charitable mission to educate hunters on safety, ethics, and fair chase […]
Denmark Surprised By Return of Wolf
Two centuries have passed without any sightings of European gray wolves in the wild areas of Denmark, but in 2012, a male was spotted. Since then, a few other males have moved in, forming an official pack with the she-wolf that traveled over 340 miles last summer from Germany. The positive signs continue as researchers […]
New Video- "Hunter: The True Conservationist"
So often hunters are painted as “takers.” As we know, this is far from the truth. DSC and DSC Foundation created this new video to shed light on the matter. Help us fight the battle to educate the public on hunting as well as continue the fight for the conservation of wildlife and wild […]