NAPHA Proposes New Measurement System
Earlier this month, Namibia Professional Hunting Association presented a new Trophy Measurement System to the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The system provides more incentives to take older animals, minimizing the hunting by size alone that anti-hunters often criticize. This new pro-active model supports sustainable hunting by adding incentives for taking older animals that […]
HELP Act Includes De-listing Provisions, Promotes Science-Based Conservation
The Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Prevention (HELP) for Wildlife Act has cleared the first hurdle in the U.S. Senate. If passed, this bill will increase protection for wildlife and outdoor traditions. The bill extends funding for several acts and programs until 2023 such as the North America Wetlands Conservation Act and the National Fish […]
Seized: 10 Tons of Ivory Marked “Fish”
Only a fraction of millions of illegal wildlife goods are confiscated. On July 4, Hong Kong custom officials intercepted the largest seizure of ivory on record. The 7 tons, or almost 16,000 pounds, of ivory were hidden in shipment containers labeled as frozen fish. Three people have already been arrested for their involvement. Just a […]
Wildfires Worsen with Biodiversity Loss
Wildfire season is well underway for 2017. So far this year, more than 30,000 fires have burned across 3 million acres. On July 10 alone, there were 20 new fires across 15 states, and only seven have been contained. Scholars continue to debate the extent at which biodiversity loss fuels wildfire intensity. Every species contributes […]
Caught on Camera
Bird-eating Mallards We’ve all heard of Turducken but… For the first time, a group of zoologists in Romania documented a group of wild ducks attack and attempt to eat two smaller birds. The mallards pursued the birds when they landed in the water, eventually drowning them before consuming them. The juvenile ducks struggled to eat […]
Who Does Conservation Best?
The U.S. has ranked 19th on a list of top-performing countries for conservation efforts, coming in behind others such as Norway, Canada and Costa Rica. In the top five were four African countries that incorporate sustainable use in their wildlife management models: Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. For a recent study, the wildlife research unit […]
Will Fire Kill CWD?
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is not a new discovery, but this deer-killing disease is still puzzling scientists fifty years later. The New York Times recently highlighted how far research has come, including a new experiment that will burn National Park Service land to curb future fatalities. As described by Texas Parks and Wildlife, “Chronic wasting […]
Bert Klineburger, Pioneer in Hunting World
He traveled the Earth and hunted scores of different game animals, many now out of reach to the international hunter. DSC member Bert Klineburger was guide to presidents, kings, Hollywood royalty and “little guys” too. His death in June 18 represents not just the passing of a beloved man, but also of a way of […]
Overcoming Centuries of Forest Mismanagement
In Japan, wildlife and habitats are starting to show the detrimental effects of centuries of forest mismanagement. For example, large predatory birds, such as the Golden eagle, cannot locate prey from the air in order to feed offspring. Over 40 percent of Japan’s forests are home to just conifers, which were repurposed that way for […]
DSC Supports Rep. Gosar on Introduction of Grand Canyon Bison Management Act
DSC applauds Representative Paul Gosar (R), along with co-sponsors Trent Franks (R), Tom O’Halleran (D) and David Schweikert (R), for introducing the Grand Canyon Bison Management Act on June 22. The bill would authorize the use of science-based wildlife management and sustainable-use conservation techniques to control the bison over-population within Grand Canyon National Park (Park). […]