2018 "Legacy" Auction Item Spotlight- Raj Paul Ibex Bronze

“Here’s Lookin’ At You” – Signed and numbered ibex bronze by Raj Paul – measures 27″x17″W.  This artwork by long-time DSC supporter & award winning artist Raj Paul shows an ibex standing proudly on a cliff. The bronze is mounted on a handsome granite on wood base with a built in turn table to facilitate ease […]

USFWS: Lion Hunting and Import Status Explained

When the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service declared protection of two lion subspecies (Panthera leo leo and Panthera leo melanochaita) under the Endangered Species Act in 2015, they also confirmed that well-managed, science-based sport hunting could provide benefit. To uphold that statement, the Service allows imports of sport hunted trophies that come from countries with […]

“It’s Meat Season:” Venison Sandwich Coming to Arby’s

Picture this: thick-cut deer meat, marinated in garlic and topped with a juniper-infused Cabernet steak sauce and crispy onions. Not the average pick-up at the fast food drive-thru, but this meal is coming to Arby’s locations nationwide on October 21 while supplies last. Last year, Arby’s rolled out venison sandwiches at limited locations in honor […]

Antler Man Covers 16-Foot Tall Shed in Collected Antlers

What would you do with 16,000 antlers? A Montana man, appropriately nicknamed “Antler Man,” has amassed a collection of over 16,000 shed antlers throughout his lifetime. To see the shed Jim Phillips has covered in sheds, click here. Phillips has prided himself on acquiring all the antlers the natural way –through hikes in the backcountry. […]

Planning a Hunt, Part 2: Select the Right Outfitter

  It’s not too soon to begin planning hunts for 2018 and beyond. DSC is offering a three-part series of tips to help you get started choosing, finding and booking your next adventure of a lifetime. Part 1 discussed how to prepare for conventions. Advance work will help you decide on a specific type of […]

Hunters and Wildlife Researchers Work Together

No one wants to end up like one of the bizarre cases on a medical mystery show – with dozens of tiny, white worms living in your body. And no quail wants to be a living space for parasites either. But, for several birds in South Texas, this is their reality. Their bodies are full […]

NAPHA Press Release – Lion Hunt Campaign

NAPHA recently released their statement on the hunting of lions. “It is rather a shame that the Namibian public, by choice, would preferably support one animal instead of its National Policy in encouraging balanced land use for ALL Namibians.” For the full statement, please follow the link below. NAPHA Press Release – Lion Hunt

South Africa: Solutions for Rhino Poaching Met with Confusion, Opposition

As legalizing the domestic rhino horn trade advances in South Africa, rumors and false reports are clouding the facts of this difficult issue, causing much frustration for those who believe a legal trade will save the rhinos. To combat the rumors and false reports, the Environmental Affairs Minister recently clarified what the legalization of the […]

Craig Boddington, Weatherby Award Winner

Congratulations to Craig Boddington, who has been named the 2017 Weatherby Hunting and Conservation Award winner. DSC Life Member Craig Boddington was born and raised in Kansas, where his early big-game experience, in the mid-1960s, included pronghorn and mule deer in Wyoming, whitetail and mule deer in Kansas, and mule deer in Colorado. When not […]

Catastrophes Cause Big Problems for Wildlife

Natural disasters trigger more than temporary loss of habitat for wild animals. Think bigger: as in, increased vulnerability to poachers and death by fallen tree bigger. After a natural disaster, headlines often capture statistics about the number of human lives lost or inches of rain per hour, but the number of animals affected is hard […]