NY Times- "Outcry for Cecil the Lion Could Undercut Conservation Efforts"
“‘You stop trophy hunting, the live market is going to change completely; it’ll go to meat value, really,’ less than 60 cents a pound, he added. “So that will deprive the national parks and the provincial parks of a lot of their budget.” The New York Times released another fantastic article on African big game […]
John Jackson Speaks With C Span on Big Game Hunting
John Jackson, Chairman and President of Conservation Force, spoke with the “Washington Journal” this week on the use of sustainable hunting and its positive effects on wildlife. Jackson and his Conservation Force team has long been a proponent of the use of the conservation through hunting model. Their work spans four decades of fighting for numerous […]
NY TIMES OP-ED: In Zimbabwe, We Don’t Cry for Lions
The New York Times released an article yesterday with a unique perspective on Cecil the lion’s death: the perspective of a man who grew up in his backyard. Goodwell Nzou, a doctoral student in molecular and cellular biosciences at Wake Forest University, and a native Zimbabwean, tells us his side of the story. “Winston-Salem, N.C. — MY mind was absorbed […]
DSC's Ben Carter Speaks to NPR
This morning, DSC Executive Director, Ben Carter, had the opportunity to speak with NPR’s radio show, “Here & Now with Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson,” on numerous pressing issues that have arisen from the recent event in Zimbabwe. Listen to Ben’s conversation with Robin at 25:26 below.
RIP Cecil the lion – What will be his legacy? And who should decide?
This article was originally published by The Huffington Post. See that post here. By Rosie Cooney Outrage over the death of Cecil the lion has led to calls for a ban on trophy hunting, but would this have the desired results? Cecil the lion, a magnificent and much loved senior male, was lured out of a safe […]
President’s Letter: Summer Vacation Plans?

By Karl Evans, President of DSC School has been out for several weeks. Six Flags, the mall, water parks and summer camps are filled with kids and families. I can remember when summer simply meant freedom and being outside from dawn to dark. But these days, parents are busier than ever, and inside activities are […]
Hunt Report: 1982-Alberta Sheep Ends Quest for Sheep Slam

By Don Senter, DSC Life Member (This hunt report is an abridged version of a feature that was originally published in Hunters Quest Magazine, August/September 1982. Hunters Quest was jointly published by the Dallas and Houston Safari Clubs.) Three sevens. Or was it 777? The numbers kept popping through my head as I finished preparations […]
Hunter’s Campfire- DSC Conservation 2016

It’s never to early to start planning your trip to Conservation. The 2016 DSC Convention and Sporting Expo is January 7-10! Find out more on our site.
DSC Statement on Illegal Lion Hunt in Zimbabwe
DALLAS – A Zimbabwean landowner and a professional hunter are facing charges for the poaching of a collared lion outside of Hwange National Park. Their client from the U.S. could also face charges if investigators find he was a knowing accomplice in the crime. DSC abhors poaching, commends the swift enforcement efforts of Zimbabwean authorities […]
DSC Welcomes Airline’s Reversal on Trophy Transport
DALLAS – South African Airways (SAA) has reversed an embargo prohibiting transport of rhino, elephant, lion and tiger trophies on the carrier’s services worldwide. The Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA) was a leader in the negotiations, and DSC is applauding the organization’s success. DSC and PHASA work together under their Preferred Partners in Conservation […]