DSC Banquet Registration Now Open

CONSERVATION: DSC’s 2016 Convention and Sporting Expo is quickly approaching, which means it’s time to start planning your week! Registration for all of our events is now open on DSC’s website. These events include: Wednesday Evening Welcome Party & Auction  Weatherby Foundation International Hunting & Conservation Award Dinner & Auction Thursday Evening Conklin Award Dinner & Auction […]

DSC "Conservation" Convention Auction Items of the Week

  The January 7-10 2016 DSC Convention and Sporting Expo, “Conservation”, is well on its way, and with that come our auctions! DSC hosts numerous live and silent auctions throughout the convention, showcasing an array of world class auction items. From Safaris to sculptures, DSC auctions products and adventures that will appeal to all tastes. Proceeds from these auctions will […]

NY Times- "A Hunting Ban Saps a Village's Livelihood"

Last week, the New York Times released yet another great editorial on the effects of banning hunting in Africa. “Dr. Child, an expert on wildlife management in Africa, said trophy hunting had failed to benefit many communities because of mismanagement and corruption. But in the countries where trophy hunting had worked well — Botswana, until […]

DSC Conservation Society- New Name, New Events

The DSC Conservation Society has made great efforts in 2015 to create a place for a younger generation of hunters to gather, and it’s showing. CS has not only changed their name in the last year (formerly DSC’s Young Professionals Group, or YPG): they have changed their image as a whole. In the last year, […]

Shane Mahoney Speaks on Trophy Hunting

Wildlife biologist and conservationist,  Shane Mahoney, created a video regarding Cecil the Lion and the issue of trophy hunting. Shane reviews the issue, presents the facts as they are known, and provides excellent commentary on the realities of ecosystem and wildlife management, as well as evidence in support of legal and regulated trophy hunting as a […]

Dr. "Red" Duke Dies at 86

Dr. James Henry “Red” Duke, 1928-2015 Physician, media personality, hunter and ardent conservationist, Dr. James Henry “Red” Duke of Houston passed away Aug. 25, 2015. Born in Ennis, Texas, Duke was the 2015 Capstick Award recipient. Most of the world knew Dr. Duke for his media celebrity – his PBS show “Bodywatch,” series of health […]

Give Wildlife A Voice

Help fight for conservation through sustainable hunting. Become a DSC member today. Membership info

Boston Globe- I Support Hunting. So Should You.

“I’ve stood in remote places wondering if another human ever trod there. Then, looking to the horizon, I saw boulders Inuit hunters stacked in a human form thousands of years ago. It was in part their attempt to herd the migrating caribou, as they tried to harvest the bounty of their native land. I feel […]

The Mind of a Sportsman in August

By Billy Kinder There is not enough time to work. It could become a serious problem in my relationship with the water department and the folks that supply electricity to the homestead. Maybe Robin wouldn’t mind a little part time job, or two, at Wally World or something to help out through this exceptionally busy […]

Dangerous Game Safari Online Raffle

Tickets on Sale NOW! 7-Day All-Inclusive Cape Buffalo Hunt for One Hunter in South Africa Imagine yourself on a dangerous game hunt in South Africa staring down a Cape buffalo. Your professional hunter is by your side, ready to direct you to take the shot of a lifetime. You are mesmerized by this old bull […]