An Inside look at the HSUS
“If you think the humane society of the United States runs your neighborhood animal shelter… think again.” Time and time again, eveidence proves that organizations like the HSUS use zero to no money they raise on actual projects to help animals. The HSUS runs zero animal shelters in the US. At the same time, hunters organizations […]
Just Getting Started
BY KIM RAPPLEYE, DSC CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT This article is from the March issue of Camp Talk, DSC’s monthly news letter for it’s members. For more issues of Camp Talk, please visit the webpage here. Since the groundbreaking news that DSC is forming chapters, it has been a whirlwind of activity ever since. The convention was especially enlightening with […]
NAPHA Releases Position on Sustainable Hunting
“In Namibia the Concept of Sustainable of Natural Resources has hugely contributed to social upliftment and economic empowerment in remote rural regions and resulted in the protection of natural habitats. This success story should not be jeopardised by purely ideological campaigns and without providing a workable alternative. ” With the uproar of anti-hunters targeting the EU, […]
The Threat to Lion
The You’s and Me’s At DSC
Dave Fulson, DSC Life Member The other night it was my pleasure to be the guest speaker at the DSC monthly meeting. One hundred and sixty odd members, guests, and like-minded folks were kind enough to come hear my presentation, “ Cape Buffalo- The Future Is Now.” I certainly enjoyed speaking on a subject I […]
Sportsmen to Candidates – Protect Bristol Bay
This week, DSC joined with over 40 organizations and companies representing millions of sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts to ask the 2016 Presidential candidates in both parties one simple question. We need to know where you stand on the proposed Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska… and we need to know now. Many of us in the outdoor […]
HR 2406 – SHARE Act
The US House of Representatives will be considering HR 2406, the bipartisan Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act (SHARE Act), on Thursday and possibly Friday of this week. Attached is a summary of the provisions contained in the bill as passed out of the House Natural Resources Committee, as well as the sportsmen’s group letter […]
February Monthly Meeting Recap
Last night, ‘Tracks Across Africa’ Producer Dave Fulson entertained over 160 DSC members and guests with a program titled Cape Buffalo: The Future is Now. Monthly meetings are great ways to meet fellow members, and the February meeting got the year off to a great start. As usual, the crowd was highly entertained by Dave’s sense of […]
Weishuhn on Hunting: TIME FOR COYOTES!
February has long been my favorite month to call coyotes! It all started many years ago when I was about 14 or 15 years old, growing up in the rural Zimmerscheidt Community of northern Colorado County, Texas. I had been reading about how fellow Texans, Murray and Winston Burnham called up coyotes and other predators […]