DSC Objects to USFWS Order 219
Arbitrary Decision Impacts Recreational Hunting and Fishing For his last hurrah before departing office, outgoing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Director Daniel Ashe released USFWS Directors Order 219, expanding the use of nontoxic ammunition and fishing tackle. Dallas Safari Club (DSC) objects to the Order, and condemns the decision as it targets our hunting […]
NYT Getting the Story Out
In the aftermath of the Cecil the lion controversy, there have been a number of stories, in print and video, about the benefits of hunting – the direct effect on conservation, the monies raised from hunters, and the benefits to local communities from sustainable use practices. Many of these stories come from sources that we […]
Goat Plague Could Bring End for Mongolian Saiga
The saiga antelope, or Saiga tatarica, may have survived for millions of years, but its future looks uncertain. Facing another deadly disease, the critically endangered species could lose up to 80 percent of its remaining Mongolian population, Saiga tatarica mongolica. This week, the New York Times published an article by Erica Goode that shares the […]
Another Legislative Session, Another Battle over Cougar Hunting
Oregon searches for best way to deal with cougar problems Every year, new bills and opposition arise over hunting cougars in Oregon. This session, three bills look to allow Oregon counties the choice to use dogs when hunting cougars. These bills would override Measure 18, which has banned the use of dogs to hunt cougars […]
Animals or Cannibals?
In a recent New York Times Science article, “A Family Dinner,” Bill Schutt discusses how researchers have observed cannibalism in thousands of species. Although most common in insects, arachnids and fish, the practice occurs more than you might think in larger mammals as well. According to a study by Dr. Guy Balme and Dr. Luke […]
Second Largest Ivory Market to End in 2017
The State Council of China, the country’s main governing body, has released a four-part plan to close its legal ivory market by the end of 2017. Officials said that these actions should strengthen the protection of current ivory and combat illegal trade. The first part calls for a complete stop of commercial processing and sales […]
DSC, DSC Foundation, Frontline Foundation Fight Poaching
This article was featured in the January/February Edition of Camp Talk, our monthly newsletter for our members. An article in The New York Times last fall highlighted the often forgotten dangers faced by individuals who put their lives at risk to help protect wildlife and end poaching in Africa. DSC commends The New York Times […]
DSC and DSCF to Fish and Wildlife: African Leopard Up-Listing Not Warranted
DSC and DSC Foundation (DSCF) have joined a long list of conservation and hunting groups in submitting a united and official comment to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for the Endangered Species Act (ESA) status review of the African leopard. Conservation Force, a leading non-profit conservation organization, submitted the comment on behalf of […]
DSC and DSCF Sign Memorandum of Understanding with Namibia
During the recent 2017 DSC Convention and Expo, members of DSC and DSC Foundation (DSCF) met with government officials from Namibia to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The agreement formalizes the existing relationship between the parties. Both share a common concern for the future of Namibian wildlife as well as the desire for cooperation […]
DSC Convention Continues to Set Records for Attendance and Fundraising
Attendees from around the world gathered in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, to celebrate hunting and wildlife conservation. The latest DSC Convention and Expo continued its record-breaking ways with more than 60,000 attendees during the four-day event. The convention featured 1,836 booths with 4,900 people representing 980 companies. “Our convention serves […]