Interior Announces Largest Expansion of Fishing and Hunting on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Managed Lands and Waters
[box] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced new or expanded hunting and sport fishing opportunities across 2.1 mission acres on August 30. The full press release is below.[/box]
CA Residents: Say no to gun/ammo tax increase
[box] Below is an update from Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation for a bill that is up for a vote by Friday, June 4. Reach out to your assembly member today![/box] Ask your Assembly Member to vote “NO” on AB 1223!
Expanded Public Access at 90 National Wildlife Refuges

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service recently announced a proposal that would create new opportunities or expand public hunting and fishing access at 90 National Wildlife Refuges and 1 National Fish Hatchery. You can read the full story from the Department of the Interior below.
The MAPLand Act: Bringing Public Land Access into the 21st Century

Digital mapping technologies have become an essential part of a hunter’s toolkit, particularly on public lands across the country. Equipped with only a smartphone or a handheld GPS unit, sportsmen and women can see exactly where they stand relative to landmarks and property boundaries, enabling them to stay safe and legal while afield.
The Proposed Closures of Caribou Hunting on Some Federal Lands Isn’t Based on Population Declines—It’s About Human Conflicts

[box] This article was written by Tyler Freel and was originated published on[/box] Would you believe that one tele-meeting on April 23 stands between would-be caribou and moose hunters and their access to nearly 60 million acres of public federal land in Northwest Alaska? It’s an issue that hasn’t made waves until now, but […]
DSC Supports the Northern Rocky Mountains and Western Great Lakes Gray Wolf Delisting

DSC lauds the Biden Administration for standing by the previous Administration’s decision to remove the gray wolf of endangered species protections. The Biden Administration argues that the move was backed by sound science, even though it is being fought by conservationists in court. DSC supports this decision.
USFW Responds to ESA Violation Allegations

California Action Alert: SB 252 The Bear Protection Act
UPDATE: As of February 1, the Senator is no longer moving forward with the bill. Thank you to all who reached out on this conservation issue. Senator Scott Wiener of California introduced SB 252, “The Bear Protection Act,” on Jan. 25. This bill is sponsored by the Humane Society and seeks to ban the hunting […]
Good News on the State Level: CA, UT, NY
Anti-hunting California Bill Defeated DSC is pleased to announce that SB 1175 was defeated on Aug. 31 in the California Assembly. Among other things, SB 1175 sought to ban the import of several African species as well as their possession in the state of California. This bill was a gross overstep by Senator Stern and […]
Great American Outdoors Act Signed into Law

You may have heard that President Trump just signed the Great American Outdoors Act into law. But why is everyone in the outdoor industry so excited about this?