DSC: Corey Mason Hired As New Executive Director

After an exhaustive search from a qualified pool of applicants, the search committee recommended Corey Mason for the position of Executive Director of DSC. On August 9, the DSC Board of Directors approved the recommendation, and Mason has accepted the offer. A Certified Wildlife Biologist®, Mason was Regional Director of Texas Parks and Wildlife in […]

Common Sense, Science Is Foundation of Lion Conservation

Last week, a collared lion was tracked and shot by a professional hunter (PH) and his client near Hwange National Park. The animal was well outside the confines of the park, and was hunted in a fair-chase, ethical manner. Upon discovering the lion was a research subject, PH Richard Cooke, a DSC member, retrieved the […]

DSC Presents Capstick Award to Larry and Brenda Potterfield

DSC is proud to announce the winner of the Peter Hathaway Capstick Hunting Heritage Award – Larry and Brenda Potterfield – during the recent DSC Convention and Expo in Dallas, Texas. The couple is recognized for their enduring leadership in conservation and philanthropy, and their commitment to educating youth about the joys of the outdoors, […]

DSC Congratulates Ryan Zinke on Nomination for Secretary of Interior

DSC congratulates Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke on his recent nomination to lead the Department of Interior. Zinke will be charged with protecting the natural resources of the U.S., which includes federal lands and overseeing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. DSC is pleased to see the position filled by an ardent proponent of continued access […]

DSC Supports Outdoor Education, Youth Outreach

Education and encouragement play a pivotal role in the development of young hunters. DSC is on the forefront of outdoor education through grant support, its volunteer-staffed events and the individual efforts of its members in their own communities. Wildlife conservation is an on-going process that needs to be sustained from generation to generation. Since 1998, […]

DSC Adds Fifth Chapter – DSC Permian Basin

DSC welcomes the latest group to join its chapter affiliate program – DSC Permian Basin. The recent addition marks the fifth chapter to join DSC in their vision of a society that values wildlife, engages in its conservation, and understands and supports the role of well-regulated hunting in the sustainable use of wild resources. “We […]


DSC is strongly urging the passage of sportsmen’s legislation priorities before the end of the 114th Congress. We are asking members to contact their representatives and Senators TODAY by phone or email. Next week is the Thanksgiving break, and after that, the Congressional staff will be wrapping things up for the last hectic days of […]

DSC Congratulates President-Elect Donald Trump

DSC extends congratulations to President-Elect Donald Trump on his recent historic victory. Trump will join a Republican majority of both houses of Congress in January to help unify a divided country and begin a new chapter in American history. “DSC and its members are proud of making a difference in this election,” said DSC Executive […]

DSC 2017 Convention Auction Item of the Week – 16-Day Bongo Hunt

DALLAS – Over the course of four days, visitors of the DSC 2017 Convention will have the opportunity to contribute to DSC conservation efforts of ensuring the future of hunting and protecting a proud heritage. Through a series of silent and live auctions, convention attendees can bid on a wide variety of multi-day hunts, artwork, […]

Two Months Until DSC 2017 Convention, Set for January 5-8

Media Note: Qualified members of the media may pre-register for the DSC convention and expo, Jan. 5-8, 2017 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center by contacting Greg Duncan, Blue Heron Communications, at (800) 654-3766 or Greg@blueheroncomm.com.   For Immediate Release Media Contact: Greg Duncan, Blue Heron Communications, (800) 654-3766 or Greg@blueheroncomm.com. DALLAS –Only two […]