Habitat For Rhino – Robin Hurt Namibia Update

[box] The latest news from Habitat For Rhino – Robin Hurt Namibia April 2020[/box] The good news is that we have received 74 mm (2.5 inches) of rain during the last 3 months. It has enabled us to stop the daily rations delivery to the Rhinos, but we do need more downpours before Winter sets […]

Hunting in Media Spotlight – Again

BY RICHARD T. CHEATHAM, DSC FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR You may have seen the news reports about a gentleman from North Texas, who recently purchased a markhor hunt in Pakistan, and harvested a great ram. The DSC Life Member did a nice job of explaining the hunt, and setting out the benefits that his hunt provided. […]

Know the Facts and Speak Out

 BY RICHARD T. CHEATHAM, DSC FOUNDATION PRESIDENT This article is featured in the Spring 2017 issue of Game Trails, our quarterly publication  for DSC members. Hunting, as an essential element of a well-managed wildlife management plan, works. It protects wildlife. It preserves wild places. It feeds the hungry. It brings benefit to the people who live and […]

NSSF Calls Foul on USFWS Director's "Parting Shot" on Traditional Ammunition

The press release re-printed below from NSSF highlights a very disappointing ruling from USFW that was issued yesterday – the last full day of the of the Director’s tenure. There is no – repeat no – evidence that the use of lead ammunition has any adverse affect on arboreal wildlife, grassland wildlife, desert wildlife (or […]

Auction Donor Spotlight: Peacock Bass, Five Star Amenities, and the 2016 Olympic Games

Capt. Peacock Yachts & Expeditions, Texas’ premier outfitter in Brazil’s Amazon, is sailing into uncharted territory come 2016 with a series of improvements, major events, and “firsts.” The first of these is the launch of the brand-new Rio Negro Queen. This 145-foot custom-built yacht is more a floating hotel than a yacht and has been […]

Voting: Right, Privilege and Duty

By Karl Evans The U.S. Constitution established probably the fundamental right for its citizens – voting. We get to choose who makes laws, who governs and who judges. Over the years, we have also been able to amend the U.S. Constitution to extend these rights to freedom of the press, the right to bear arms, […]

Danger On The The Frontline

By Dave Fulson Originally published in Sports Afield Magazine When Professional Hunter Chris Burton rolled out of camp and turned his vehicle down the bumpy, dirt two-track towards the shore of Lake Cabora Bassa, his mind was on the problem crocodile he and client Craig Johnson were in search of. But fate had decreed that […]