View from A Virtual Creek, Post One
Honey-Do’s and Staying Home
IUCN Announces Black Rhino Subspecies Downlist
After documenting continued growth in Namibia, the IUCN has downlisted the South-western Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis ssp. bicornis) from Vulnerable to Near Threatened. At this time, all other black rhino subspecies remain listed as Critically Endangered on the Red List.
Nearly $1 Billion in Conservation Funding from Sportsmen and Women
Department of the Interior announced the breakdown by state of how the almost $1 billion dollars from Pittman-Robertson/Dingell-Johnson Act will be used. Read the text below.
Botswana's Response to UK Call for Evidence
In January, DSC submitted a response to the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs’ call for evidence on the impact of trophy imports and exports. Botswana just released their response from Philda N. Kereng, Minister of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation And Tourism. Keep reading below or follow here.
Support for Botswana’s Controlled Hunting Program
[box] DSC greatly supports the decision by the Republic of Botswana to lift the 2014 hunting moratorium. The decision to lift the hunting moratorium was a significant step forward for Botswana’s science-based wildlife conservation policy. Moreover, Botswana’s controlled hunting program is designed to provide significant benefits to rural communities living amongst destructive and dangerous wildlife […]
Proposed DOI Budget Prioritizes Wildfire Prevention
President Donald Trump proposed a $12.8 billion Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget for the Department of the Interior, including a new, innovative $50 million initiative that would begin to transform and build a more stable and permanent wildland firefighting workforce to better align with the challenges of prolonged periods of wildfire activity and the need to more […]
Translocation: One Technique, Many Applications
Kentucky Lighting Way for Elk What started as a reintroduction of over 1,500 wild eastern elk twenty years ago is now a thriving Kentucky population of over 13,000 individuals. The population has been brought to light as a new study led by Jordan Youngmann confirms unprecedented strong genetic diversity within the current population. The original […]
Wildlife Departments Working for Change
Cougar Quota Upped in Utah An emergency quota increase added 117 additional cougar harvests to the 2019-2020 cougar season in Utah. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) issued the change on Jan. 16 to manage specific areas with high mule deer population decline. The 11 different units showed a population decline greater than 15 […]
DSC Elephant Import Lawsuit FAQ

Hear more from DSC Executive Director Corey Mason about the Elephant Import Litigation:
For Increased Focus on Advocacy and African Partners, DSC Hires New Manager of Advocacy
DSC is proud to announce the hiring of Matthew Boguslawski as a key part of the development of its Advocacy Department. Boguslawski will be the Manager of Advocacy. He is uniquely qualified for this position with an interesting mix of expertise and job experience. He holds a Professional Hunter’s license in Tanzania; he is a former staff […]