DSC Supports Increased Access to Public Lands

DSC applauds the efforts of the Trump Administration and the U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt to increase recreational access on public lands. Bernhardt announced a historic proposal for new and expanded hunting and fishing opportunities across more than 2.3 million acres at 97 national wildlife refuges and 9 national fish hatcheries. This rule […]

COVID-19: What Hunters Can Do Right Now

This is an unprecedented time in the world, and all walks of life have been affected, including the hunting industry. When you stop to think about it, our industry has many components and supports the overall global economy in obvious and not-so-obvious ways. The concession fees must be paid, camps and equipment must be maintained, […]

DSC on Untamed Heritage Podcast

Larry Weishuhn sits down with Corey Mason, Executive Director of DSC, to discuss current legislation in two different states that could radically change what animals hunters can and cannot pursue. Listen to the episode here.