Good News: Investing in Conservation Makes a Difference

Conservation news can be depressing with yet another new species heading toward extinction seemingly every week. Does any of the money and effort for biodiversity actually save anything? The short answer is yes. A recent study published in Nature verified that biodiversity was threatened less in countries that spent more money on conservation efforts. For […]

DSC Supports EPA Action To Rescind Pebble Veto Due To New Mine Plan

DSC agrees with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) settlement with the Pebble Partnership that rescinds its 2014 “Proposed Determination.” This step will not guarantee or prejudge a particular outcome, but allows the operator of the mine to present a plan to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and undergo a rigorous environmental, economic and […]

North American Hunt Recap

As November begins, many hunting seasons remain open or are set to open soon. In the meantime, here’s how some seasons have already fared across North America. Tennessee Hunters in Tennessee took eight bull elks in October, setting a record single-season harvest. Both the number of permits and the length of hunts were increased for […]

National Survey Highlights Significance of Hunting, Fishing

In 2016, 101.6 million Americans age 16 and older enjoyed some form of fishing, hunting or wildlife-associated recreation. That’s 40 percent of the U.S. population. The economic contribution of those activities was $156.3 billion. That’s 1 percent of GDP. In other words, one out of every 100 dollars produced from U.S.-made goods and services was […]

New Solution to Save Caribou: Hunt More Moose

The woodland caribou population in southern British Columbia is declining, but scientists from the University of British Columbia and the University of Alberta have discovered a way to stabilize the population: hunt more moose. The increasing moose and white-tailed deer populations have contributed to the decline of caribou. All three of these species share a […]

Department of Interior Making Moves To Protect Hunting, Wildlife

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke recently illustrated his commitment to preserving hunting heritage for generations to come. He declared his pursuit of expanding access to hunting and fishing as one of his top priorities. By increasing opportunities for families to enjoy public waters and lands, Zinke believes he is also maximizing the opportunity […]