TX Zone To See Earliest Dove Season Opener Since 1950
South Zone dove hunters will see the earliest opener in seven decades after Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved the hunting regulation changes for 2018-19. Texas hunters will see several changes this fall, including an early opener for dove season in the South Zone, a mule deer season in Lynn County, experimental mule deer antler […]
DSC Supports Administration's Decision to Modify Utah National Monuments
In a recent announcement from The White House and the Department of the Interior, modifications to two national monuments − Bears’ Ears and other massive set-asides − will both continue to protect objects of significance and important wildlife habitat but also will prioritize public use and access. DSC believes the hunting community should be aware of the […]
DSC Joins Bear Ban Dismay: “Where is the Science?”
This week, despite a wealth of scientific evidence to the contrary, British Columbia moved to ban all grizzly hunting in the province, effective immediately. The reason for the ban appears to be the government’s “consultation” with “many British Columbians” who have declared the hunt “is not in line with their values,” according to a […]
DSC We Hunt for Life: Hunt of a Lifetime Giveaway
Enter now for a chance to win DSC’s Hunt of a Lifetime Giveaway in Africa! DSC and the DSC Foundation are giving away an African safari in South Africa with HartzView Hunting Safaris to one lucky person. To participate, simply share what “I Hunt for Life” means to you. Click here to find out more details […]
DSC: Positive Elephant Finding Best Decision For Conservation, Anti-Poaching
(Nov. 17, 2017–DALLAS) DSC applauds the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announcement regarding a positive enhancement finding for elephants in the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The positive enhancement standard is strict, and requires that the Service find “that the [animal] is taken as part of a well-managed conservation program that contributes to the long-term […]
National Survey Highlights Significance of Hunting, Fishing
In 2016, 101.6 million Americans age 16 and older enjoyed some form of fishing, hunting or wildlife-associated recreation. That’s 40 percent of the U.S. population. The economic contribution of those activities was $156.3 billion. That’s 1 percent of GDP. In other words, one out of every 100 dollars produced from U.S.-made goods and services was […]
What’s Worse Than a Grizzly Bear Attack?
Being attacked twice in one day. Todd Orr became a social media sensation last October as the man who survived two grizzly bear attacks in one morning. And took a video of himself hiking to his car. And drove himself to the hospital. About three miles into his morning hike to scout for elk, Orr […]
Why We Hunt
Hunters hunt for adventure, to connect with nature and for the benefits it brings to wildlife through Sustainable Use Conservation. To learn more about why We Hunt for Life, visit dscf.org.
Hunters Save Missing Man’s Life
What do you remember the most about your first hunt? Spending time with a loved one? The crisp, cool air? The feel of the rifle stock? What about saving a man’s life? For one young child in New Zealand, that certainly describes his first hunting experience. An elderly man had been reported missing by his […]
DSC: Corey Mason Hired As New Executive Director
After an exhaustive search from a qualified pool of applicants, the search committee recommended Corey Mason for the position of Executive Director of DSC. On August 9, the DSC Board of Directors approved the recommendation, and Mason has accepted the offer. A Certified Wildlife Biologist®, Mason was Regional Director of Texas Parks and Wildlife in […]