View from A Virtual Creek, Post Thirty-three

View from A Virtual Creek, Post Thirty-two
Not the Air Rifle of My Youth
View from A Virtual Creek, Post Thirty-one

Handgun Hunting Basics Chapter 3
USFWS Seeks to Rectify Negative Cormorant Impacts
The comment period ends July 20 for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposed rule and associated draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) to responsibly manage conflicts associated with double-crested cormorants in the United States.
View from A Virtual Creek, Post Thirty
Handgun Hunting Basics Chapter 2
Act Now: New Zealand Tahr Facing Immediate Eradication
The New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) is moving towards the culling of all Tahr in the New Zealand National Parks if an injunction does not come into effect. This overreach by the New Zealand DOC will effectively end recreational Tahr hunting. This will dramatically impact the New Zealand economy as well as the wildlife biodiversity within the […]
View from A Virtual Creek, Post Twenty-nine

Handgun Hunting Basics Chapter 1
Oregon Beaver Trapping Prohibition Fails

Read Sportsman’s Alliance’s article on a recent victory to defeat an initiative that sought to ban beaver trapping in Oregon.
DSC Partners with CIC
DSC and the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), formalizing their partnership to benefit wildlife conservation, and support sustainable wildlife use and the livelihoods of rural and Indigenous people. This partnership provides the opportunity to leverage the combined reach and influence of DSC’s and CIC’s knowledge, programs and […]
Senate Passes Great American Outdoors Act
On June 17, the U.S. Senate passed the historic Great American Outdoors Act (S. 3422), which represents the single greatest commitment to increasing public access and advancing conservation in a lifetime, on a strong bipartisan vote of 73-25.