DSC, CIC Oppose Captive Bred Lion Shooting

Relocating Lions Is Easier Said Than Done
Problem animals. Why don’t they just move them somewhere else? Many will ask that question as if the solution was that simple. Human development is encroaching into a majority of the wild areas that are left, making it difficult to find new, human-free areas for problematic animals. A recent occurrence in Namibia highlights the complications […]
Dallas Safari Club Position on Captive Bred Lion Hunting
Few animals in Africa, or anywhere, are as iconic as the African lion. As hunters we understand the benefits of lion hunting. Dallas Safari Club has stated, and firmly believes, that in the fight to save lions, hunters are their best allies. In January 2013, Dallas Safari Club announced its definition of the ideal huntable […]
DSC Position on Captive Bred Lion Hunting
Few animals in Africa, or anywhere, are as iconic as the African lion. As hunters we understand the benefits of lion hunting. Dallas Safari Club has stated, and firmly believes, that in the fight to save lions, hunters are their best allies. In January 2013, Dallas Safari Club announced its definition of the ideal huntable […]
DSC: Positive Elephant Finding Best Decision For Conservation, Anti-Poaching
(Nov. 17, 2017–DALLAS) DSC applauds the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announcement regarding a positive enhancement finding for elephants in the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The positive enhancement standard is strict, and requires that the Service find “that the [animal] is taken as part of a well-managed conservation program that contributes to the long-term […]
The Deadliest Game
Which animal do you think takes the title of Deadliest Game so far in 2017? Leopard? Buffalo? Maybe the hyena with its bone-crushing jaws? As it turns out, there are several factors under consideration in Zimbabwe. For human fatalities, crocodiles were the number one culprit, responsible for 16 out of the total 23 deaths, and […]
NAPHA Press Release – Lion Hunt Campaign
NAPHA recently released their statement on the hunting of lions. “It is rather a shame that the Namibian public, by choice, would preferably support one animal instead of its National Policy in encouraging balanced land use for ALL Namibians.” For the full statement, please follow the link below. NAPHA Press Release – Lion Hunt
Common Sense, Science Is Foundation of Lion Conservation
Last week, a collared lion was tracked and shot by a professional hunter (PH) and his client near Hwange National Park. The animal was well outside the confines of the park, and was hunted in a fair-chase, ethical manner. Upon discovering the lion was a research subject, PH Richard Cooke, a DSC member, retrieved the […]