Tracking the Capitols

DSC and Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation invite you to sign up for customized legislative and regulatory email alerts by clicking the “Subscribe to Tracking the Capitols” button below. In so doing, you can self-select the states and issues that you are most interested in, and will receive an email alert sent to your inbox with timely updates on […]
DSC on Untamed Heritage Podcast
Larry Weishuhn sits down with Corey Mason, Executive Director of DSC, to discuss current legislation in two different states that could radically change what animals hunters can and cannot pursue. Listen to the episode here.
DSC's Response to UK Call for Evidence on Trophy Imports/Exports
Please see DSC’s submission in response to the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs’ call for evidence on the impact of trophy imports and exports. The case for legal, regulated hunting as a conservation tool is well-established worldwide and there is no place for restrictions on any matters seeking to undermine hunting. DSC […]
Headed to the House: Wildlife Funding Bill
The U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources held a vote on Dec. 5 for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, H.R.3742. With bipartisan support, it passed out of the committee [26:6]. A positive vote out of committee puts the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act one step closer to passage. It will now move to the House Floor. […]
The ProTECT Act – Another Misguided Effort to Undermine Conservation Efforts Worldwide
[author] [author_info]The following is written by Matt Boguslawski. Matt is a licensed Professional Hunter in Tanzania, a former staff attorney with Conservation Force, and a managing partner of a respected law firm.[/author_info] [/author] The full text of H.R. 4804 “Prohibiting Threatened and Endangered Creature Trophies Act of 2019” (the ProTECT Act) has been recently released. […]