Larry’s Blog: The Guns of Winter

With the closing of deer and other big game species seasons, it’s time to switch to wintertime pursuits. Where I live in Texas that means wild hogs, coyotes, possibly bobcats and hopefully before too very long javelina.  Should you live farther north winter hunting likely means taking a serious look at pursuing cougar, lynx, coyotes […]

Larry’s Blog: Late Season Buck

For the past three years I have been a member of a hunting lease in western Texas, Sterling County to be exact, an hour west of San Angelo. The property is in excess of 8,000 acres and is is under Texas’ Managed Land Deer Permit, which allows deer hunting from the first of October until […]

Larry’s Blog: Finnish Whitetail

“I tried rattling for whitetails a few years ago…no response!” said Erkki Vahakallio when I dragged out a couple of shed fallow deer antlers our outfitter Stefan Bengtsson with Scandinavian ProHunter had procured for me. “But it will be fun for you to try!” Erkki, a friend of Stefan is the Finnish authority regarding anything […]

Larry’s Blog: Yonderings

Like many of my era, those of us who were born in the middle 1900s and even after, we were ardent readers of Outdoor Life, Field & Stream, Sports Afield, Petersen’s Hunting, and later Deer & Deer Hunting, North American Whitetail reading articles by Jack O’Connor, Russell Annabel, Robert Ruark, Texas’s own John Wootters and […]

Larry’s Blog: A Doe Before a Buck

“I’m having a problem getting our hunters to shoot does!  I know you said we need to harvest somewhere around 40!” I interrupted my rancher friend and reminded him there needed to be at least 45 does taken during the present hunting season.  And it would be better if it was 50 does.  “What can […]

Larry’s Blog: Making the Grade

“You mind taking care of the steaks?” asked David Cotton when we returned to camp. “I’d be honored to grill the steaks your dad, Edgar, selected. Saw them earlier.  Just hope I can do them justice!”  I replied. Our guest of honor would be none other than Rick Lambert, who has numerous claims to fame […]

Larry’s Blog: Best Hunting Tool

Luke Clayton and I were recording my “Campfire Talk” segment for his weekly “Catfish Radio with Luke Clayton and Friends” radio shows and podcast, which we have been doing together now for seventeen years. “One last question..” said Luke.  “What do you think the best tool a deer hunter can have to be successful?” Interesting! […]

Larry’s Blog: A Look Back at Seasons Past

A couple of days ago while going through some hunting gear in preparation for my upcoming hunts starting October 1 hunting moose in British Columbia, Canada I ran across a stack of old DVDs television shows.  Somehow those were not with the large stack of over 500 other television shows I’ve done over the years.  […]

Larry’s Blog: I Cant, Therefore I Can’t

“Shoot at the 600-yard target!” instructed Joe Cunningham. I cranked the appropriate dial up on my scope’s turret, settled into a solid shooting position, took a deep breath, let it all out, started squeezing the trigger being careful the only thing that moved on my hand was the distal portion of my right index finger […]

Larry’s Blog: A Pair to Draw To

Hunting seasons looms on the horizon here in Texas.  Mourning dove hunting is practically here.  Big game seasons are opening elsewhere and numerous have already begun across North America.  As this is being written, I’ve started packing for a moose hunt in British Columbia with Love Brothers & Lee. On that hunt I’ll be using […]