DSC Expo Continues Upward Trend, Affirms Conservation Goals

The 2018 DSC Convention and Expo has just concluded, and all signs point to another successful “Greatest Hunters’ Convention on the Planet ™.” Attendance was robust, potentially 5,000 over last year, and the auction dollar amounts exceeded expectations by an impressive margin — potentially more than a quarter of $1 million over budget. These funds […]

DSC Gets Results For Tanzania Safari Industry

Just in time for convention, Tanzania safari operators and hunters get good news from ministry officials. With DSC’s convention just days away, outfitters from Tanzania were concerned that the proposed cancellation and auction of hunting blocks in their country would result in customers being reluctant to book hunting trips in 2018 and 2019, due to […]

CAPSTICK AWARD: And the Winner is … Khalil Karimov

By Rolf Baldus THE WINNER OF THE Peter Capstick Hunting Heritage Award for 2018 is Khalil Karimov from Tajikistan. He is one of the driving forces behind the Hunting & Conservation Alliance of Tajikistan (H&CAT), and behind the remarkable recovery of markhor, ibex, and snow leopards in the communal hunting conservancies in the Pamirs. Khalil […]

The Reality Of The Elephant In Zimbabwe

By Andrew Dawson, Zimbabwe Professional Hunter The elephant of Zimbabwe are at a crossroads as a species. His long-term survival is being decided by a seemingly endless, but generally miss-guided cast of politicians, government officials, animal rights groups. The majority are well meaning, but hopelessly miss-informed and often purposely miss-led masses that drive policy via […]

WSJ Op-Ed: Hunting Can Be Good for Lions and Elephants

By Terry L. Anderson and Hannah Downey This article was featured in The Wall Street Journal this morning, November 29, 2017. The debate about hunting lions and elephants has just come roaring back. Earlier this month the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lifted a ban on importing lion and elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia. […]


John Jackson of Conservation Force has developed a list of talking points related to the elephant import situation. This is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the facts on this issue.   ELEPHANT TROPHY IMPORTS HAVE NEVER BEEN “BANNED,” AND THE POSITIVE ENHANCEMENT FINDINGS ARE BASED ON THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION RECEIVED […]

Grizzly Reunion Brings Both Hope and New Challenges

The Greater Yellowstone ecosystem now boasts a healthy population of over 700 grizzly bears, which is a steady improvement from the population of 150 that warranted official endangered status in 1975. However, new growth brings new challenges. While the number of individuals has increased in the Yellowstone area, the gene pool remains limited. Genetic diversity […]

Secretary Zinke Announces the Creation of the International Wildlife Conservation Council

Original Press Release Link Here WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced the creation of the International Wildlife Conservation Council. The Council will provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior. It will focus on increased public awareness domestically regarding conservation, wildlife law enforcement, and economic benefits that result […]

Good News: Investing in Conservation Makes a Difference

Conservation news can be depressing with yet another new species heading toward extinction seemingly every week. Does any of the money and effort for biodiversity actually save anything? The short answer is yes. A recent study published in Nature verified that biodiversity was threatened less in countries that spent more money on conservation efforts. For […]