DSC's Response to UK Call for Evidence on Trophy Imports/Exports
Please see DSC’s submission in response to the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs’ call for evidence on the impact of trophy imports and exports. The case for legal, regulated hunting as a conservation tool is well-established worldwide and there is no place for restrictions on any matters seeking to undermine hunting. DSC […]
DSC Elephant Import Lawsuit FAQ

Hear more from DSC Executive Director Corey Mason about the Elephant Import Litigation:
Merry Christmas from DSC
DSC wishes a warm Merry Christmas to all its members. Take a quiet moment this week to enjoy the beauty of nature, the warmth of family and friends, the joy of the season.
For Increased Focus on Advocacy and African Partners, DSC Hires New Manager of Advocacy
DSC is proud to announce the hiring of Matthew Boguslawski as a key part of the development of its Advocacy Department. Boguslawski will be the Manager of Advocacy. He is uniquely qualified for this position with an interesting mix of expertise and job experience. He holds a Professional Hunter’s license in Tanzania; he is a former staff […]
Convention Banquet Ticket Sales – Close on Dec. 13
The whole amazing show opens Thursday, Jan. 9 and runs through Sunday, Jan. 12. Hours will be Thursday-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Sunday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas. Visit www.biggame.org/convention for updated info. To purchase tickets for the following, visit the link […]
2020 Outstanding Hunting Achievement Award Winner Announced
The Outstanding Hunting Achievement Award (OHAA) committee has selected Dr. Mark Wayne as the 2020 award recipient. Dr. Wayne will be presented the prestigious award at the DSC Convention and Expo, Heritage, during the Saturday evening banquet on Jan. 11, 2020. The OHAA is given solely for outstanding achievements in the finite area of big game hunting. […]
Chapter’s Action Trackchair Provides Access for Youth
Do you get excited when you see a cottontail, a whitetail, a swallowtail, a scissortail? For most outdoor lovers, all it takes is to pack up the car and head out down the trail, out to the lake, or up a mountain to experience all that nature has to offer. For hunters and anglers, the […]
DSC 2020 Capstick Award Winners Announced
The Peter Hathaway Capstick Hunting Heritage Award Committee has selected Robin and Pauline Hurt as the 2020 award recipients. The Hurts will be presented with the prestigious award at the DSC Convention and Sporting Expo, Heritage, at the Saturday evening banquet on Jan. 11, 2020. The Capstick Award honors the memory of a great man whose love of hunting […]
DSC Convention: Full Steam Ahead
Are you counting the days yet? Do not miss this one! Just four months away, the Greatest Hunters’ Convention on the Planet™ is almost a reality. Planning for Heritage has accelerated in the past month, with the Exhibitor Floor Plan published in August, and Banquet and Day Pass Registration opening Sept. 13 to Dec. 13. […]
DSC Talks Sustainable Use at International Conference
This week, DSC Executive Director Corey Mason and DSC Foundation Executive Director Richard Cheatham have been attending the CITES Convention of the Parties in Geneva, Switzerland. CITES is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Every two to three years, the Conference of the Parties meets to review the […]