COVID Travel Update: Alaska
A note on travel updates from our friends in Alaska
The Danger of a Sentimental Ban
The Government’s proposal to ban the UK importing and exporting hunting trophies has caused much concern to those of us who live with wild animals and shoulder the financial burden of conserving them and their habitat. If enacted, it won’t just stop British hunters traveling abroad for a legal licensed hunt in another country – […]
Damaging Legislation Surfaces in California
An alert for conservationists in California: SB 1175 and AB 3030 are two pieces of legislation making rounds in local government. Call your representatives today and urge them to support legal, regulated hunting and vote no on these bills.
$160 Million in Funding for Wetland Conservation Projects, National Wildlife Refuges
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2020 Contact: WASHINGTON – As we celebrate American Wetlands Month, hundreds of bird species will benefit from $160 million in funding for various wetland conservation projects in North America. The funding was approved by the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission, which is chaired by U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt.
Interior Announces $24.7M for Habitat in Big Game Migration Corridors and Winter Range
Interior announces grants to benefit elk, mule deer and pronghorn in 11 western states. Read the full release here.
New Film Exposes Die-offs of Bighorn Sheep
The Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF), in partnership with Sitka Gear, has produced a new film that, for the first time, takes an in-depth look at what has been killing wild bighorn sheep since the 1930s, and has been slowing efforts to enhance populations of this iconic species. Wild & Wool will be available for free […]
Failed Attempt to Restrict Hunting in Light of COVID-19
DSC supports the efforts of our conservation partner FACE to educate the European Parliament on the consequences of a dangerous amendment. PRESS RELEASE FROM FACE A proposal to ban the trade and consumption of wildlife could have had far reaching consequences for hunting and nature conservation in Europe and globally. On April 16, a majority […]
DSC Supports Increased Access to Public Lands
DSC applauds the efforts of the Trump Administration and the U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt to increase recreational access on public lands. Bernhardt announced a historic proposal for new and expanded hunting and fishing opportunities across more than 2.3 million acres at 97 national wildlife refuges and 9 national fish hatcheries. This rule […]
Secretary Bernhardt Proposes Historic Expansion of Hunting, Fishing Opportunities
New hunting and fishing opportunities across 2.3 million acres at 97 national wildlife refuges and 9 national fish hatcheries
Habitat For Rhino – Robin Hurt Namibia Update
[box] The latest news from Habitat For Rhino – Robin Hurt Namibia April 2020[/box] The good news is that we have received 74 mm (2.5 inches) of rain during the last 3 months. It has enabled us to stop the daily rations delivery to the Rhinos, but we do need more downpours before Winter sets […]