DOI’s Continued Commitment to Conservation

Funds Approved for Wetland Conservation The Migratory Bird Conservation Commission, chaired by Secretary Bernhardt, approved more than $130 million in public and private funding for various wetland conservation projects on Sept. 10. The Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and its partners will use the funds to conserve or restore more than 157,000 acres of wetland […]
Good News on the State Level: CA, UT, NY
Anti-hunting California Bill Defeated DSC is pleased to announce that SB 1175 was defeated on Aug. 31 in the California Assembly. Among other things, SB 1175 sought to ban the import of several African species as well as their possession in the state of California. This bill was a gross overstep by Senator Stern and […]
USFWS Seeks to Rectify Negative Cormorant Impacts
The comment period ends July 20 for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposed rule and associated draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) to responsibly manage conflicts associated with double-crested cormorants in the United States.
DSC’s Kinder Outdoors Launches on SiriusXM Radio
While you are driving on your holiday weekend, be sure to tune into XM radio’s Rural Radio-Channel 147 and hear DSC’s Kinder Outdoors!