By Karl Evans
The U.S. Constitution established probably the fundamental right for its citizens – voting. We get to choose who makes laws, who governs and who judges. Over the years, we have also been able to amend the U.S. Constitution to extend these rights to freedom of the press, the right to bear arms, votes for women, and the abolition of slavery and prohibition, to name a few.
But to keep our freedoms, we must let our voice be heard, and exercise this right to vote. However, voter apathy is a problem since not enough people think of it as a duty. But this coming November, all hunters need to take action and vote to amend the Texas Constitution with Proposition 6.
On Nov. 3, Texans have a chance to protect wildlife and promote conservation, and it won’t cost more than time and fuel to get to your polls!
This resolution is fairly straightforward – pretty much a no-brainer for anyone who enjoys wildlife and Texas’ wild places. The heart of the amendment establishes the fundamental right to hunt and fish and that sustainable use is the best conservation method.
Proposition 6:
(a) The people have the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, including by the use of traditional methods, subject to laws or regulations to conserve and manage wildlife and preserve the future of hunting and fishing.
(b) Hunting and fishing are preferred methods of managing and controlling wildlife.
The other elements of the resolution ensure that existing laws protecting city ordinances and private property remain in force.
DSC spearheaded this effort as part of its mission, and the NRA has thrown its resources and considerable weight behind it. But it doesn’t matter who started it. It just needs to pass. And that is all up to voters. That is all up to YOU.
All you have to do is go vote. That’s it! Vote YES on Proposition 6 to protect the future of Texas’ hunting heritage. If you believe in the hunter advocacy part of DSC’s mission, think of this as your duty to future generations of hunters. Let’s make this happen. Vote Tuesday, Nov. 3, with early voting between Oct. 19 and Oct. 30.