Take any memorable photos in 2020?
Send them in for the DSC Photo Contest!
The Photo Contest is open to all DSC Members who are not paid for photography.
Photos must from the 2020 calendar year.
Entries must be submitted by e-mail only to photo@biggame.org.
The categories are:
- Landscape
- Wildlife
- Hunting/Fishing
- Mobile Device
- Other
Click HERE to download the form.
The deadline is January 31, 2021.

Entries must be submitted by e-mail only to karrie@biggame.org. Subject line should read PHOTO CONTEST. Each photo must be a maximum of 8mb, 300dpi.
Please save the image as CategoryFirstnameLastname (Example: LandscapeJohnDoe1 or LandscapeJohnDoe2 or OtherSuzySmith1).
Entry fee is $5 per image. You may pay by credit card, debit card, check or cash.
Remember, judging is based on the quality (impact, composition, lighting) of your photo, not the quality of the trophy.
Entries must be made by the photographers themselves, rather than by the photo subjects.
There will be a winner in each category, and an Overall Grand Prize Winner, selected from among the category winners.
For questions, call 972-980-9800 or email photo@biggame.org.
Click HERE to download the form.
Find inspiration by checking out last year’s winners: